I am deeply saddened my Aunt Norma passed away yesterday. I love her more than words can say.

She was a teacher, writer, rancher and lifelong adventurer. Above all else, she was a loving, kind, generous and caring human being. She is my inspiration as a person and the reason I started writing stories as a child.  Her presence was a blessing in the lives of her family and many others.

She lived to be in her mid-80s; though her dementia worsened in recent years causing her to move from her ranch home to an assisted living facility. I spent time visiting with her this past summer and I could still feel her warmth and love despite her condition.  She still kept journals and tried to write in moments she was with it.

While visiting her, I was blessed to see the above poem she wrote in February 2000 posted outside of her room. Her spirit and her writing still live on & today, I share Aunt Norma’s poem in honor of her memory and meaning 💜

About spiritedpoet

No online identity can truly define me. I have a navigation panel with controls, but I understand I cannot control external elements. I believe I am spirited with Love to guide my life. I am human in my strength and my frailty. I somehow safely navigate my children through life's trial and errors. I proudly wear each stripe on my Mom's uniform; though, I still love the silky feel of soft négligée against my skin. I am human after all. Welcome to my Spirited Poet blog. Welcome to me.
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