Graduation Day


Graduation Day

“To thy happy children / of the future / those of the past / send greetings”
reads an inscription carved in stone
And you fulfill the promise
as from child to woman you’ve grown

“A force to be reckoned with”
A teacher once said of you
And I couldn’t agree more
As you shine in orange and blue

Your talent and dedication
are part of your journey here
Your love and your heart
cause me to shed a tear

For the beauty I find in you
reaches beyond this special day
For you always will be as my daughter
And I love you in every single way ♥

Congratulations Fanwen 🙂

We love you with all our hearts and are blessed by your presence in our lives.

(c) s l jennings “Graduation Day”
“to thy happy children…” quoted from Alma Mater statue at University of Illinois

About spiritedpoet

No online identity can truly define me. I have a navigation panel with controls, but I understand I cannot control external elements. I believe I am spirited with Love to guide my life. I am human in my strength and my frailty. I somehow safely navigate my children through life's trial and errors. I proudly wear each stripe on my Mom's uniform; though, I still love the silky feel of soft négligée against my skin. I am human after all. Welcome to my Spirited Poet blog. Welcome to me.
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1 Response to Graduation Day

  1. Sumyanna says:

    Beautiful way to celebrate her ❤


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